What are we doing wrong? Countries with highest/lowest RA

Countries with the highest & lowest rates of RA.

Food for thought… or RA perhaps!

I know Indonesian & Sri Lanka diet is not vegan!

Sunshine (D3) & Seafood (Omega 3?)

Different gut microbes?

Where’s Prof Tim Spector when you need him! 😆


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    It's something I've thought about from time to time. I guess diet could be a factor. We do know, surely for certain, that junk food and lack of exercise will catch up with everyone sooner rather than later

    I've also wondered if higher rates might be due to our better health service. We know that auto-immunity can have a genetic factor. Those of us with autoimmune diseases are now able to live long enough to breed. 100 years ago would anyone have been able to? What are the rates for other autoimmune diseases in these countries? I think we can speculate but not necessarily get anywhere.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    I agree with @stickywicket , it may relate (at least in part) to genetic factors and also rates of diagnosis. As Trump tried to say during the pandemic, the US had some of the highest covid infection rates due to the highest rate of testing, “so just stop testing” 🙄🤡. Sometimes the rising number of cases in many medical conditions is more to do with more being properly diagnosed than there being more actual cases. It may also relate to longevity in these nations, ie people dying of other causes before their arthritis becomes a major problem that needs treating. This was the case in the U.K. until the last 50-100 years.

    Most nations will have the worst rates of one medical condition or another with a whole host of causes. As regards modern increasing numbers, getting rid of smoking, processed foods and refined sugars would be a good start, along with addressing food poverty and improved education in schools about nutrition. We’re all aware of this in the UK but when you look at rising obesity rates (including mine) we don’t seem to be doing anything much about it. Knowing it and doing it are two entirely different things.

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 116

    Genetics certainly are a big factor.

    Many forms of arthritis come down through families - they can miss a generation though. Also over exercise can cause it too. Many dancers and gymnasts end up with osteo. I'm one of them!! It's difficult to do aerobic exercise when every joint screams at you. But the videos on "Versus Arthritis" are good safe exercise. I'm just fat and cuddly now!

    A good healthy diet is crucial but don't be persuaded by some claims of so called super-food and supplements. When the damage is done to the joints it's rare for it to regenerate.

    So healthy diet and sensible exercise and hope that genetically you are OK.

    At least we don't have yellow fever, malaria, polio and high rates of TB as many countries! Let's be thankful for that.