
Suzie60 Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:08 in Living with arthritis

Hi, My name is Sue I have osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and psoratic arthritis, along with other ailments!!!

Just wanted to say hi everyone 😊


  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi @Suzie60

    It's great to meet you, thank you for joining our merry band!

    You have a number of conditions including osteoarthritis and psoriatic arthritis. You don't say how long you have coped with these, but I will attach links to the information for these - there may be the odd nugget of information that will be useful to you.

    The PsA information contains a video where 5 people talk about their story with PsA

    Do have a look around at the other areas of the Community, we have a chit chat area too where we can talk about things unrelated to arthritis, or maybe working on hobbies that we have tweaked to allow to still do them even though arthritis has tried to stop us. Please post wherever you feel you can offer insight or support to fellow members, that's the beauty of a community like ours, we can help as well as get support for ourselves

    Looking forward to your next post

    Yvonne x

  • Suzie60
    Suzie60 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you Yvonne.

    I was diagnosed with psoratic arthritis around 2018, in 2019 I fractured my back, then was diagnosed with osteoporosis. A little while later, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, I do suffer pains in my legs, mostly upper , thighs, buttocks. I have an underactive thyroid which was diagnosed almost 30 years ago. J suffer from dizziness, think it's vertigo. Comes and goes. I still work full time, though my sleep is not what it was , and find I get very tired. I've just started swimming again.

  • Wullie75
    Wullie75 Member Posts: 13

    I just started swimming again to help with my arthritis it does help even if you don't swim ..just swing you're arms back and forth in the water helps then pull you're knees up as high as you can aswell these little exercises help me.i also bought a tense machine from boots which helps with my back pain.. put on massage for 10 mins also helps after work . Can't help with getting changed for swimming still struggling with that one