New knee pain

Mandy_rebel23 Member Posts: 3
edited 10. May 2022, 09:56 in Living with arthritis

I've always had probs with my knees from being a child but always brushed off. Had ultrasound and accupuncture treatment but nothing made a difference and nothing was ever diagnosed.

Last night in bed everytime I tried to straighten it, it was so painful, then the top seemed to move and it was ok. It was as if something was stuck.

It's not painful to walk on or as I'm sitting.

I did go cycling yesterday too and not admitting defeat so off again today too. Only half hour, but feels like I'm doing something.

Anyone got similar knee problems? Anything that helps or should I b seeking medical advice?

I do a physical job but only 15 hrs a week.

Hope everyone manages a small smile today 😊
