After April - On Going Covid Testing for the Immunocompromised

This is very pertinent as my wife is currently isolating having tested positive by firstly LFT and then PCR for Covid.

I live in Scotland and have just read the Test and Protect Transition information published yesterday by the Scottish Government. It looks like there will still be testing - both LFT and PCR - available for those eligible for anti viral treatment though it appears that this will only be available via the home order system.

Here's the relevant statement :-

'Those who are eligible for anti-viral treatments now, and for those future treatments in development, will continue to be able to access testing – in the community and in hospital settings.

The current route for people across the UK to access testing for the purpose of accessing antiviral treatment is the home order channel for both LFD and for follow up PCR. This route will remain the key route for access for those in the community.'

I assume this will be the practice in the rest of the UK.


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    I don't know if this applies outside Scotland, Jamie, but, really, your first sentence - oh *********! Stay safe and my best wishes to both of you.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 846

    Hi @stickywicket


    We are lucky in that the house is big enough for us to keep apart - we raised 4 kids here who have flown the nest. However I'm cook, cleaner and waiter at present - leaving her meals outside her bedroom door like prisoner cell block H. I'm thinking of tanker deliveries of anti-bacterial liquid cleaner! I've been taking LFT's daily and have just tried the LFT online ordering for the first time - up till now I've got the LFT's from my local pharmacy. My wife was out with her brother and sister in law last Friday for a belated birthday lunch and they have both tested positive as well - one on Monday and the other Tuesday. She works at an autism children's respite centre at weekends and was LFT and PCR tested Sunday and those were negative but on Monday morning two consecutive LFT's were positive and followed up by a positive PCR so go figure - as they say.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Gosh I do hope your wife does well. Fingers crossed for her and for you not to catch COVID @jamieA

    I am glad your LFTs have arrived ok I have usually ordered mine by post too it's much easier that way.

    Take care

    Toni x

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 846

    Just an update on this. Yesterday I received another letter from the Scotland Chief Medical Officer. It updates the previous letter stating specifically that a lateral flow test - or LFD - as they are now calling them will suffice in order to be considered for antiviral treatments. It states that I can still order free LFDs from the government website. However it also states that I should only use them if I have symptoms and not twice a week as I had previously been instructed. It suggests that I keep a list of all medication I'm taking at hand, including any herbal remedies and vitamin supplements as well as patches, inhalers, suppositories, lozenges, gels, ointments and creams.

    I'm assuming this will be the case in the rest of the UK as well.