
Millymoo Member Posts: 5
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:08 in Living with arthritis

I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both knees. I have a fairly physical job in a secondary school and want to continue working. However, since I told them about my diagnosis it has been a constant battle. They offered me alternative work, with lower salary as it is less hours but I wouldn’t be in control of my workload whereas now at least I can manage my jobs and spread out the more physical jobs over the day or week. I have also found out that they are trying to build a case against me to prove that I’m incapable of doing my job. My life has become a constant battle, and I can feel myself drowning. I don’t get paid a lot (£9.43 an hour) but it’s the principle but I am being worn down and feel I’m losing the fight. I have applied for other jobs but have had no luck…


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,696

    Hello @Millymoo Welcome to the online Community.

    It sounds as though you are having a very tough time at work since telling them of your diagnosis with Osteoarthritis in both knees.

    Firs of all you do have rights please read this article:

    Are you in a union? many of our members have in the past contacted ACAS to discuss employment issues.

    I wonder whether you would find it useful to chat to someone about this issue?

    Please do let us know how you get on and don't feel alone with this.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Hello @Millymoo

    I am so upset for you an din your shoes would feel desperate too.

    have you got a union where you work or is there and HR department or Occupational Health. It just feels like you need some support actually in there with you.

    Is there any likelihood of you having surgery on your knees at any time soon or is that a way off yet?

    I am so very sorry you are being treated like that, but you should be protected under the Disability Discrimination Act. They can't treat you like this sending some ((()))

    Take care

    Toni xx