
Tracey53 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:08 in Living with arthritis

Just to say hello, my name is Tracey have been recently diagnosed with arthritis in the base of my thumbs, have tried pain relief and gels, nothing works, have never felt pain like this before, if anyone has any advice other than chopping my thumbs off lol, would be most helpful.

Thank you


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,829

    Hello to you too Tracey (@Tracey53 ) I am pleased to welcome you to the Versus Arthritis online community.

    I understand from your post that you have been diagnosed with Arthritis in your thumbs and are in a great deal of pain. Rather than chop your hands off I am sure our members will have some better ideas!

    While you wait for someone to come along I am going to give you this information to read:

    I know some of our members have used wax baths for their hands, others swear by warm wheatbags (the kind you microwave) others ice wrapped in teatowels. It can be very much a case of trial and error.

    Please do take a look around Tracey and join in wherever you feel comfortable.

    Best wishes
