
CaroleM Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:08 in Living with arthritis

Hi I’m Carole and I was diagnosed with osteo arthritis in both knees last year. I am new to the online community , so just wanted to say hello.


  • anneb82
    anneb82 Member Posts: 317

    Hello @CaroleM

    Welcome to the online community and thank you for joining us. I hope that you will find this a safe and friendly space where you can continue to share and make new friends.

    So you were diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in both of your knees last year and are new to the community.

    Its so lovely to see a new member so you are very welcome. Please do feel free to get involved in any existing conversations that are going on, or if you can see one that you like, why not make a new on. We are a friendly bunch and there tends to be someone around most of the time too.

    I've attached a bit of information below about osteoarthritis in the knees. It may be that you know it all already but it not, its a good ready. The main Versus Arthritis website has a lot of information if your looking for anything specific, or you can try the helpline that are available Monday to Friday. I will attach their details below also.

    Do let us know how you are getting on.

    Take care

    Anne (Moderator)