Inflammatory Oesteoarthritis

Due to Covid and NHS waiting times, (28 weeks to be referred to a NHS Rheumatolgist) I paid for a private consultation to see if I had Arthritis, he got the X rays of my hips. I had to trial steroid prednisolone for 1 week 15 mg p/day to see if this reduced pain in joints. And results of the blood tests were now back. His diagnosis was Imflammatory oesteoarthritis with nodala arthritis on my hands and some degeneration superior pole on left hip. I was put on Prednisolone 5mg p/day running alongside Hydroxychloroquine 300mg per day for 6 weeks. Then just Hydroxychloroquine 200mg p/day going forward to present day.

It took1 year in from GP referral to see NHS Rheumatolgist(locum) then again 6 mths later. I don't think these meds are working for me as I ache waist down, like I' ve been in a car crash. Taking over the counter pain relief ibuprofen 200mg + paracetamol 200mg responsibily, as I am aware of stomach upsets. In amongst this I asked repeatedly to see Orthopedic's regards my hip which in effect is a self referral to be told that my hip has deteriorated rapidly in last 10 mths to bone on bone requiring surgury and is now showing in my right hip as well. I am only 52 and I am concerned that my diagnosis and meds need reviewing as my rate of deteriation seems so rapid. But the wait between appointments is 26 weeks and clinical nurses are not available. The realisation of this is I have been given a date for surgery in 20 days time which has been brought forward 6 mths today. I don't feel ready for it yet. Evan after surgery my knees, feet ankles and hands will still ache and fatigue that goes with it will still be there. Could my diagnosis be more on the Rheumatoid side Evan though anti antinuclear bodies didn't show but inflammation did..


  • alexander1
    alexander1 Member Posts: 70

    Hi I have been dealing with these issues that you mention since my diagnosis in 2017.

    I have only just been diagnosed with psoriasis arthritis.

    I am 53 and have had both hips replaced in the last 3 years and now waiting 2 shoulders and then two knees. My spine is knackered and in terms of pain meds on opiodes, naproxen and amitripoline plus paracetamol.

    I didn’t feel ready to have surgery but if you leave it too long the pain is intense You will still have your other issues but it is a relief when some of the constant pain is removed

    Take care but keep chasing the care and think about pain killers

  • Hi@CarolynAnne

    I'm sorry to hear that you've got so much going on. It's quite telling that your surgery has been brought forwards when the NHS is so busy. Before delaying your treatment, you might want to have a proper chat with a GP to talk about the pros and cons. You'd be very welcome to talk to us informally about the situation. Our freephone is 0800 5200 520 and we are here 9am-6pm Mon-Fri.

    Arthritis | Causes, symptoms, treatment | Versus Arthritis

    We can also talk about the process of discussing your diagnosis and the kinds of information that a rheumatologist may want to consider.

    Time to talk and reflect can be so helpful when there's a lot to consider.

    I do hope we can help further

    all the best
