Side effects of medication


Has anyone else suffered increased pain with OA joints following Cortisone or Iodine injections? I recently, Jan, had a CT guided nerve root steroid and pin relief spinal injection, followed in Feb by a CT scan requiring iodine injection, followed by Cortisone injection in left thumb in March and right thumb in April. Since all of this I have felt quite unwell and my spine and right hip have been so painful, keeping me awake at night, unable to walk even in my house without a stick, waddling around through pain. This made me quite unwell and I also suffer with Hashimoto Thyroiditis and caught shingles so was in a bit of a state for abut 4 weeks. Anyone the same?


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 794

    Hello @Jules56 , welcome to the online community

    You have over the last few months had a number of injections after which you have felt quite unwell . In addition you have Hashimoto thyroiditis and shingles and the last four weeks have left you feeling in a bit of a state. You are hoping to meet other members of the community who might have similar conditions.

    We are glad you found us and we are here to offer you whatever support we can. Whilst we are not medically qualified our team and members do have experience of many sorts of arthritis and auto immune disorders. The description of your immune system suggests it is working overtime to balance itself with thyroiditis and shingles highlighting the struggle. Also the pain from your spine and hip is reducing your mobility and keeping you awake at night, all this contributes to a feeling in a bit of a state.

    I attach some links which I hope you will find helpful

    I hope Ken's story gives you a new perspective to consider, there are also a lots of conversations between members particularly in the Life with Arthritis section some of which might give you a few tips on a good sleep, use of heat pads for pain relief etc. I hope you browse round the community discussions and join us again soon.

    Take Care


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.