Methotrexate and prednisone

Hi, I’m new to the forum so just getting my bearings! I was diagnosed in 2019 with RA and take hydroxychloroquinine, methotrexate injections, gabapentin and steroids as well as folic acid and iron tablets. I have just had Covid and still have the bad chesty cough and flu symptoms but have just been told I shouldn’t have been taken any medication by the receptionist at rheumatology dept! Has anyone else stopped their meds whilst they were getting over covid? I worry about the side effects of not taking the meds but don’t want the covid symptoms to get worse! I have been negative for 6 days. ☺️


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 882

    Hello @Clair ,welcome to the online community

    You have had RA since 2019 and have recently had Covid which has left you with a chesty cough and flu symptoms. You are concerned about stopping your medication whilst the symptoms persist. The negative test results are promising whilst the flu aches and cough suggest your immune system is still fighting hard to redress the balance. Whilst there maybe some alternative complementary treatments that will help until you are able to return to your prescribed drugs not every consultant agrees that one should stop medication during an occurrence of Covid. However we are not medically qualified and would suggest that you consult your rheumatology team, GP and pharmacist to clarify your questions.

    Meanwhile I attach some links which I hope you will find helpful.

    If it would help to talk to someone the Helpline team are available Monday to Friday 9.00 - 6.00 on

    0800 5200 520.

    We are glad you found us and hope that you will get your bearings and browse round the community and join in with all that it has to offer.

    Take care


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.