Newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

Jennet Member Posts: 13
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:09 in Living with arthritis

Diagnosed 21st of last month via a telephone consultation. The consultant said it was blatantly obvious I had Fibromyalgia years ago due to my symptoms. I was told it was all in my head because scans and xrays didn't pick it up, now I know these are lies as it cannot be seen. I was told that pain receptors in my head and liver were over sensitive by various health departments. The consultant wants to put me on antidepressants but I said I'm not ready for that. I'm so shocked and disgusted at how I've been treated and don't think I will get over it for a while. Now I'm still waiting on my gp to give me some help with my symptoms. I called today and the receptionist said they will deal with my stomach issues first. Why does she have Power to say what will be looked at first? Can anyone give me some advice?



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,830
    edited 12. Jul 2022, 12:00

    Hi @Jennet

    When you speak to your GP surely what you discuss is between you and him/her?

    Not right at all.

    Wishing you 🤞 luck with this and sending some ((()))

    Take care

    Toni xx

    Ps have you had time to read this?

  • Hi Janet,hope you are OK,it takes a while to get your head round fibromyalgia ,it took my gp a year to send me to the hospital to find out it was fibromyalgia.ive been put on etirocoxib and they are helping a also on ibuprofen but don't take them at the same time.keep on at your gp to get pain relief.hope you get sorted soon.keep in touch..take care Elaine.x