Covid 19 and meds

Hi everyone I’ve just joined I have RA OA PA and OP for my sins !

i was wondering if anyone has had covid who are on methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine? If so did you stop them and how did it affect you ? My friend has ju st tested positive and I’ve been in close contact I’d appreciate any info and advice thanks x


  • HelenS
    HelenS Administrator Posts: 104

    Hi @Iggypop and welcome to the online community, hopefully you will find some answers here.

    You are asking if you need to stop taking methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine if you got COVID, and the effects.

    Methotrexate is an immune-suppressing treatment that increases your risk from COVID-19. If you have other risk factors, then taking these treatments might mean that you should take extra care and practice social distancing to protect yourself. If you are worried then please do speak to your rheumatology dept for further advice.

    Hopefully the above link will help, but please keep in touch and let us know how you get on


    Helen, Admin

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