Elbow pain now aswell

Ive had osteo in hands knees lumbar spine for 2 years. Most recently im in agony with my elbows, crying in pain today. Had bloods done last week all clear! Dr sais oh you just have chronic pain, possibly tendinitis. I have a family history of chrones and ankyolising spondilitis. I have exasperated all routes re osteo. I want to go down the gastro route next as the pain is really getting me down. I was diagnosed ibs 5 years ago but always seem to have a high calprotectin level. I feel like Dr is fed up with me. I was off sick for a year from work and returned recently but really struggling.

Has anyone had similar? My sister has both of the above and sais my symptoms are same as she had before she started on biologics.

Am i in my rights to ask for my fetal calprotectin to be assessed again after 5 years? I feel so unwell and just keep getting more meds. I currently take 120mg duloxetine, gabapentin x2 and tramadol/ paracetamol.

Desperate for help. 🙏


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,836

    Hi Jools

    I remember replying to you a bit back and asking about a referral to rheumatology

    At the time you were waiting to see your GP. I am presuming that's when he or she did the bloods and they returned 'all clear'

    So frustrating when you want answers so desperately.

    Many forms of arthritis do not show in the blood unfortunately. Have you had much imaging (xrays MRIs etc)? I think ultrasound can show inflammation I might be wrong but think so.

    I am so sorry you're ha ing such an uphill battle with your pain.

    Continuing to send my support

    Toni x

  • Jools71
    Jools71 Member Posts: 16

    Hi Toni I am soooo frustrated! I did go to rhumatology over a year ago and they did bloods which were clear. MRI was only of spine which showed degeneration.

    The pain I have now is so severe. I have been twice to GP in 2 weeks and no further forward. The elbows, wrists hands and hips are in constant pain. Gp said to me this week basically it's my age ! 51! I'm actively swim 🏊‍♂️ in the lochs in Scotland regularly. I'm back to work on Monday and dreading it! I did take a stool sample and asked her to send it to test for Calprotectin levels as they have been high in the past. This is now 18 months of constant GPs. I feel like a fraud! They talk to me like I'm at it!

    Family history of chrones , colitis and Ankyolising spondilitis. My MRI on spine revealed no spondilitis.

    I appreciate your help. If this sample is all clear I will be asking for more information and a rereferral. I have an appointment to see the Advanced Physio next week so fingers crossed.

    Thanks again. 😥 will let you know. Hope your keeping well.

    Jools 🙏

  • Roxyco
    Roxyco Member Posts: 9

    Hi Jools. We could be twins. I have recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis minus psoriasis. My diagnosis took a long time because there is specific blood test for this type of arthritis. My blood work almost always came back good. I’m 67 and have had both my knees replaced. One in 2015 and the other 2020. Rough surgeries but in the long run it improved my mobility and pain. This past year I noticed a change in my eyes ( red and tired feeling), developed tendonosis in my Achilles heel and bone spurs in my left heel and developed gut issues. I also noticed worsening stiffness in my hands with swelling that didn’t allow me to make a fist and fingers and the knuckles on my hands popped and locked down. Loss of strength in my hands has been challenging. So far no elbow pain like you. I’m sorry you must deal with that. I had been reading up on PsA because it seemed to describe me. I don’t present with psoriasis so I wasn’t typical. My Rheumatologist said she had a number of patients that don’t have the rash associated with PsA. I will be starting on Otezla soon. I can’t take NSAIDs as they have the opposite effect on me. I swell. I’m limited to three 500 mg tablets of Tylenol because my liver was compromised with immunotherapy I received with cancer treatment. Currently in remission. My dr said she had seen some of her patients come in with red inflamed hot joint pain and blood work come back normal. Not uncommon in PsA she told me. Grateful to finally have and answer to a problem I’ve had for years. I’ve been in this body so long and I’m accustomed to stiffness and discomfort. I’m hoping this new med will help. I don’t know for several months I’ve been told. I’m not a candidate for some common drugs as many have a cancer warning. Fingers crossed they help. Hang in there.