Travelling to developing countries while on MTX

Yogawoman Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:09 in Living with arthritis

Hello I have been diagnesed with Rheumatoid Arthritus in May and on Methotraxate . I'm now painfree and have no side effects apart from a bit of fatique. I'm planning to go to Costa Rica and Mexico in November. Anyone experience with travelling in develping countries while on MTX which afteral suppresses your immunity system.


  • janiebin
    janiebin Member Posts: 53

    Glad to hear you are now pain free and have just a bit of fatigue.

    Costa Rica and Mexico sound really exciting places to visit. I have not been there but have travelled a bit so first check what vaccinations you might need then check with your RA team nurse which are ok with MTX. Some will need to be organised well in advance. Next, buy a really good set of sun glasses because you need to protect your eyes when in intense sunlight for long periods. Next, take a good first aid kit with anti bac wipes and wash in case of cuts and bites, also a comprehensive supply of meds in case of delays, flare ups etc- take these with you as carry on luggage with a copy of your prescription in case you are questioned at xray or customs or loss of hold luggage!

    Sorry lots of "in case " I am a cautious person, well actually my husband does not need his holiday spoilt by me being ill if I can avoid it. Forgot to say check with your travel insurance company, I had to declare my RA diagnosis and they might want to consider raising your premium .

    Hope this helps , have a great time and send photos

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 105

    I agree with Janiebin.

    You will need to liaise with your specialist and most certainly insurance cover. Even here in Britain you may need to declare arthritis on insurance, or it can become invalid if you do need medical care. And abroad, if you aren't covered you will end up paying thousands if anything does happen.

    You will also need to check which vaccinations and other medications you may need and if they will clash with MTX. Much will also depend on how long you are going for and what facilities you will be staying in.

    I was on MTX and had to be careful in the sun. After living for a number of years in W Africa, before my arthritis attack, I know what medical facilities can be like in many countries. You will certainly have to pay extra for your travel insurance. Check where clinic/hospitals are near where you are staying and their facilities. Main tourist spots may/may not be OK. But certainly away from these areas medical facilities/pharmacies etc may be in short supply.

    So musts are - *check with your nurse/specialist, *travel insurance and *facilities at destination.

    Hope it works out and you have a wonderful time.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873

    Do let us know how you get on @Yogawoman I am off to Cambodia in January😮I plan to spray myself with that stuff to keep mozzies away that's about as far as my thought processes have gone so far.

    and best of luck👍️

    Toni x

  • JenHB
    JenHB Member Posts: 146

    also don't forget lip balm with SPF in.... (having just got a sunburnt lip myself)

  • Louisa77
    Louisa77 Administrator Posts: 259

    Hi @Yogawoman

    I saw your thread and thought I'd just jump on to share this info from the Versus Arthritis website with you in case it's useful Your questions on hobbies and arthritis | Versus Arthritis it has some info about travelling with Methotrexate

    Louisa :)

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