Starting methotrexate

I've just picked up my first prescription of methotrexate and I am SCARED!

All the potential side effects, reactions, precautions to take.... it's all seeming a bit daunting 😳😳😳

Please can I get some reassurance!

Also, my consultant has asked for the first blood test to be performed after 1 month. Is this ccommon practice, or is it usually sooner?

Many thanks!


  • janiebin
    janiebin Member Posts: 53

    Hi @Mrsk22

    Many of us have been taking methotrexate for years and feel the benefits outweigh the potential side effects. With a once a month blood test you will be monitored closely for any changes and your GP and Rheumatologist will find another medication to suit you if anything shows up. I was issued with a small booklet initially by my rheumy dept, and the practice nurse wrote down all the results of my last bloods when I went for my next test. Sadly when it filled up the dept. did not give out any more citing NHS cuts. I meant to make my own but never got around to it. I have been stable for so long that it was agreed that I only go every three months for a blood test unless I self refer either to the rheumy dept or my GP but I have not needed to do that for which I am very thankful.

    As for precautions, I always am careful around people with possible infections, ( I'm still wearing a mask in shops) I wear a sun hat and good sunglasses to protect my eyes. So far I have been very fortunate.

    Like you I started after a bad infection and have been taking MTX for 14 years now. So I would say give it a try and some time to settle into your system.

    I hope all goes well.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    I could echo virtually all that @janiebin has written. Over 20 years for me. Don't take chances. Be conscientious about blood tests and all will be well. Good luck.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright