Getting a tattoo

I just wondered please what the general rule is regarding getting a new tattoo?

I am taking methotrexate, steroids and hydroxychloroquine.

Many thanks


  • Bic1982
    Bic1982 Member Posts: 31

    Hi @Mrsk22

    I'm not currently on the exact same drugs as you, but when I got my last tattoo I was, I had no problems because of the medication. It healed as normal and there were no complications.

    I think as long as you look after it properly you should be alright.

    I hope it goes well and you love your new ink!


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    I'm not sure there are any rules. But, having been on methotrexate and its blood tests for years (and so having veins that, according to phlebotomists "wriggle away when they see the needle approaching" ) I sometimes wonder how they manage with those with tattooed arms. I've also had cannulae all over my lower arms. I wouldn't want anyone to struggle with getting one in. It might be worth asking at your next blood test.

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    Steven Wright