
Jackie1973 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:09 in Living with arthritis

Hi, i have just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both my hips and lower back. my left hip is the most painful as I also have coxa valga in this hip.

I cannot have any pain relief that that contains opiates due to allergies so I have been prescribed paracetamol and amitriptyline.

I started with this pain back in 2018 and it has taken over 4 years to get a proper diagnosis, I do feel a little let down as the first physiotherapist I saw told me it was arthritis but then the next one said it wasn't as I was too young (I am 49 now) and that's when I ended up on the ferris wheel going round in circles.

anyway :-) thank you for accepting me, i have already found this site and the threads really useful.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,841

    Hi @Jackie1973

    You are very welcome here. I am so glad you have already found some of the existing threads useful.

    I see from your post that you have, after 4 years, finally been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in both hips, (one of which has Coxa Valga) and your lower back.

    I is so unfortunate that for some of us getting a definitive diagnosis can take a very long time. The good news is you know now and you've found this site.

    While you wait to meet some of our members I wonder whether you have had time to read these articles from our main site?

    and this one I thought might be extra relevant as you can't take opiates.

    I hope you'll join in now on other threads around the site Living with Arthritis being the most popular category.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts in future.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,027

    I had to google coxa Valga @Jackie1973

    I can see the extra complication you have there.

    Such a frustrating time you've had haven't you? At least you have your diagnosis now ludicrous to think you were too young. There are people I've met on here who have been in their teens when it started for them.

    I'm so glad you are already finding the threads useful. That's what this is all about 'peer' support.☺️

    Take care

    Toni x

  • Thank you for you kind comments.