Sleep problems 😴

Hey all. I've not had a restful night's sleep for 7+ months now due to shoulder pain. I've tried different positions and pillow positions, relaxation apps, pain meditation πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ and so on....all have not helped.

Any tips or advice welcome. Thank you.



  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,921

    Hi @AB67 Nice to meet you and welcome you to the online Community.

    Not getting enough sleep makes coping with the days so much harder. This might just have something that you haven't yet tried:

    these are people's own tips:

    In addition some people here have pain relief which is 'slow release' thus in theory enabling less pain overnight. Is it worth asking for a review of your medication?

    I'll leave you now to meet our members as see whether they have any suggestions.

    Best wishes Ellen.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,239

    Hi@AB67 nice to meet you.

    Shoulders have to be (along with necks) one of the toughest to get comfy with.

    I have a slow release anti inflammatory which helps a bit if mine plays up also a shaped pillow. It has a dip for your head?

    When my youngest was struggling at 18/19 with her shoulder prior to replacement she swore by V pillow not si me I cant get on with them

    We are all different.

    Take care

    Toni xx

  • AB67
    AB67 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you.

  • AB67
    AB67 Member Posts: 5
    edited 3. Sep 2022, 11:12

    I'm a nurse and have tried different pillow positions but to no avail. I can't afford a new pillow as off long term sick and no money. Waiting to get 4th steroid injection this time, a 2nd one into the AC joint.

    Saw surgeon on Tuesday and conservative treatment at present.

    My physio says there is no magic wand.

    I'm on slow release pain relief and cocodamol. GP does not want to increase this to something stronger due to risk of addiction.

    I realise I need to be patient but I just need some decent undisturbed sleep! I think I could cope better then.

    I know there are people worse off than me, living with much worse and life threatening illnesses.

    I'm feeling so low, useless and stuck just now. And, to quote singer Anastasia,..... "I'm sick and tired of always feeling sick and tired". ( I know I'm not "sick" just a little busted).

  • Bic1982
    Bic1982 Member Posts: 31

    It doesn't matter if there are other people that are worse or have bigger concerns, your allowed to feel how you do.

    When you're not getting enough asleep, its bound to effect your mood so feeling low is to be expected. I know its hard, but try not to beat yourself up. Everything that you are feeling is valid and that's one of the great things about this community; we can shout out as loud as we want on here about what we are going through of feeling and we can all relate so we won't be judged.

    You're not on your own!!!

  • AB67
    AB67 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you. Hubby says I've to stop feeling sorry for myself but so weepy today. I think I was hoping that the surgeon would offer a solution on Tuesday but feel I'm no further forward.

    Been looking at different pillows too but not sure if any will help. Seems to be lots of advice for neck pain but very little for shoulders.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    There are times, and I'm sure most of us have faced them, when, if we had the strength, we'd clatter our nearest and dearest for their unhelpful comments.

    The only thing I can think of is to experiment with every spare pillow and cushion you have trying to find a decent combination. There have been times when, for different reasons, I've piled about four pillows on top of each other and slept sitting up. Try everything. Think out of the box. Sometimes it works.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • TillyBex
    TillyBex Member Posts: 10

    Hi there,

    I'm new to all this so sorry for coming so late to the party. I hope you have had some quality sleep.

    My partner dislocated his shoulder a few years back and a friend brought round his wife's maternity pillow from when she was pregnant.

    It worked for him because it stopped him turning severely onto his side and aggravating the injury. It's like a u shape that hugs round your neck.

    Just a thought - it may useless.

    Good luck with it, it's all trial and error.