Flare Ups

I have tried hot and cold compresses to my knees but they do not seem to help. Really bad flare up of osteoarthritis and gone from being able to walk for an hour to struggling with 10 mins. Can’t take many pain killers because of other medication . Any suggestions?


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Hello @Mhaw3

    Welcome to the Versus Arthritis online Community.

    I see you are struggling with a really bad flare up of Osteoarthritis and are unable to take many painkillers due to other medication you are already on. You've tried heat and cold neither has helped significantly.

    While you wait for some of our members to come along with their experience and tips this article might be worth a read particularly the section on pain:

    Some of our members have found gentle exercise can help too:

    I'll leave you now to meet our members

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Aug 2022, 15:56

    Oh that sounds awful @Mhaw3 😒

    Not sure what meds you're allowed but there are plenty out there maybe your GP could refer you to a pain clinic for review?

    Have you tried a tens machine ever?

    I found mine so good I wore out 2! It did get less effective to be fair over time as I got used to it.

    Take care I'll have another think

    Toni xx

  • Bleu
    Bleu Member Posts: 8

    EESH! I hate when my knees are in flare up! Along with hot cold compresses, I put either hot or cold water in a plastic soda bottle, wrap with a cloth and insert under one, or both knees. If laying down, it's perfect height to try to relax. When I needed surgery for my shoulder, not arthritic, Doctors said the same. I looked the orthopedic surgeon in the eye and asked him what is too young? Decent quality of life now, or surgery later when mobility issues will start cropping up? It's hereditary in my family. I got my surgery. But not after a lenghty discussion of why later is better. I wanted him to set me up with extreme pain control meds if we wait. I was too "young" for that. I really hope you can get your sugery. I am 52.