Finding medicine for flare ups

Hi i was diagnosed with RA shortly after giving birth to my baby, it has been almost 2 years snd i have been put on. Hydrochloroquin and now im due to start sulfzamine im nervouse to start this medicine has this combo worked for anyone?


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,782

    Hi @E_singh a warm welcome to the Online Community.

    I see from your post that you were diagnosed with rheumatoid Arthritis after the birth of your baby 2 years ago.

    You have been taking hydroxychloroquine and now the Rheumatologist has suggested adding Sulfasalazine too which has made you understandably nervous.

    Both Hydroxychloroquine and Sulfasalazine are Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) as you probably already know and used to dampen down the immune System. In case it's of interest this is some information about DMARDs:

    Coincidentally this post by @CBL was posted only on the 26th of this month and the person was also starting the same drug combination as you:

    I'll leave you now to meet our members and hopefully get some reassurance from them.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873

    Morning @E_singh

    Please don't fear that drug combination it is a good one and might be exactly what you need you know they will be monitoring you closely to check that all is well with your health.

    I was lucky this didn't start to me until my children could dress themselves although not quite walk themselves to school, but I have met many people here who had to manage in pain will babies. I really hope this combo helps you

    Take care

    Toni x

  • E_singh
    E_singh Member Posts: 8

    Good evening all thank you so much for your support and messages @frogmorton and @Ellen this has made me feel a lot more reassured! I was put on steroids to help me calm down the flare up but as soon as i have finished the course the pain and imflammation has sadly came back, just want to get back to my normal self and for the medicine to control it, @CBL i feel exactly the same i was also diagnosed at the age 28 and currently are struggling with standing and stiffness esp in the evening just hoping this combo works, how are you finding the combo?

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873

    Hi @E_singh

    Steroids are a miracle drug but as we often say here a double edged sword.

    They help like nothing else unfortunately not for long term use due to side effects hence you just having a course of it.

    Finding the drugs combination which works for us is such an individual thing trial and error. Hopefully this combination is perfect for you, but if not there are many more they can try you on as you can see from teh link Ellen has given you.

    Take care keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Toni x

  • E_singh
    E_singh Member Posts: 8
    edited 1. Sep 2022, 16:33

    Absolutely i agree, the side effects were not great especially after coming off those! Thank you Toni, i will let you guys know how I get on fingers crossed this combo works, i had a question not sure if this is silly…but my consultant did say once i find the right combo it will feel like i don’t have RA and back to my normal self is this true?

    Kind regards

    Ekta X

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873

    @E_singh it certainly can be for some of us.

    Have you started your new treatment yet?

    🤞it's helping

    Toni x

  • E_singh
    E_singh Member Posts: 8

    Hello @frogmorton hope you are well?

    Yes I have started the new treatment im on day 4, so far it has been okay! Apart from feeling very cold I have been okay so far, im still in quiet abit of pain and swelling/stiffness but they said to wait about 12 weeks for any relief :( x🤞🏽

    Kind regards
