Hello everyone

Lizwiz Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:09 in Living with arthritis

I've joined hoping to find advice.

I am a bit shaken as at 71 I have just been told that I have osteoarthritis. Apparently this was diagnosed after a bone scan in 2018 but no one bothered to tell me. I was told then scan was ok.

My hip right hip is particularly painful but I also have it in my spine, hands and feet.

I have always enjoyed walking but its becoming increasingly difficult . If I sit for any length of time I find it hard to walk for a while after. I also get tired very quickly.

Just learning to cope. Sorry for the moan.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,749

    Hello to you too @Lizwiz Welcome to the Versus Arthritis Online Community.

    I can quite understand how you might feel shaken after being told that you have Osteoarthritis. Particularly as it has taken 4 years from having the scan to actually being told Arthritis is what is causing your pain. It sounds as though it is fairly widespread in your case so many of our members will be able to relate.

    This information is very comprehensive and has been put together for those who are newly diagnosed like yourself I think it might be worth a read:

    It is extra tough when our Arthritis limits the activities we have previously enjoyed; in your case walking. This is Nora's story which you might find interesting:

    You have absolutely not moaned and if you had that would be fine this is a safe place to vent to people who understand what you are going through.

    I hope that you will take a look around the forum now that you have introduced yourself. Living with Arthritis tends to be the most popular category.

    I look forward to seeing more of your posts in future.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,826

    Hi @Lizwiz that's not good is it taking so long to tell you what is wrong!

    Please do not think you have moaned hardly even a murmur compared to me when I get going! To be honest you have every right to be in shock. A diagnosis like this takes some getting used to. Don't expect to get your head round it quickly it takes time to adjust.

    It's a bit like grieving if you know what l mean - for your lost health and the future you expected perviously.

    So you have to be kind to yourself take your time. Spoil yourself just now do things you enjoy and get reliably informed and reliable support like you can have here with us lot.

    Keep posting and keep talking. You'll get there ((()))

    Toni x

  • Jona
    Jona Member Posts: 406

    Hi @Lizwiz ,

    Nice to welcome you here they’re a lovely bunch too, I know just how you feel I went through something very similar and it is exactly like Toni said you grieve I went through the 3 Ms, miserable, moaning and mad I too got very tired it feels like my independence is slipping away but knowledge is power so I use every resource to find out how I can survive this and we will get there just know your amongst friends who have a wealth of knowledge I pace myself and do as much as pain allows now

    take care of you and big hug 💐💐😉

    love Jona