Can medicine control the pain of RA

Hi All,

I am currently on Hydrochloroquine and recently started Sulfasalazine, I am currently in a lot of pain but just wanted to see if the mecidines combo can really help you get back to a normal life? Please share any info you guys have or whether the combination of medicines has helped?


  • MissA
    MissA Member Posts: 58

    I started on the same combination at the start of my RA journey 25 years ago. Obviously all our journeys are not the same but looking back I was pleased I started on this less powerful mix of meds. Over the years my meds were tweaked to accommodate the changes in my condition & at times worked so well I felt nothing was wrong with me. What I would say is if you can cope on this mix, keep with it, as going on stronger meds needs serious consideration, I found the sooner your meds are ‘upgraded’ the options for pain relief begin to gradually diminish. I’m now on what I consider the ‘nuclear option’ biological medicine .

    I wish you well & hope your current meds bring you much deserved relief.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    I very much agree with @MissA . I know people who get on the right combo of meds and never look back. That was never going to happen to me because I'd had RA for many years before DMARDS rocked up. But meth and hydroxy have made a huge difference.

    I don't actually think it's helpful to aim for our old lives or painfree. Adapting to changes really helps us deal with arthritis. If we're always loooking back longingly that will never happen. Learning to enjoy where we are is a very useful skill.

    I hope the meds make a big difference for you. But there really is life (and a good life) after diagnosis.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • E_singh
    E_singh Member Posts: 8

    @MissA ahh thanks for an insight into your journey, thankfully i have an brilliant consultant who is trying to get me back to my old self and control this condition! Hopefully it works soon🤞🏽🤞🏽 Thanks alot x