Ultrasound guided injection in shoulder

Hi all. Next week I have an appointment with the GP to perform an ultrasound guided injection in my left shoulder. I have had steroid injections in my knees previously, but never my shoulder. I have had problems with my shoulder for a while now, gradually getting worse. I had pain the other day just with the motion of walking. I'm hoping this injection will have a positive effect. Has anyone here had an ultrasound guided injection before?


  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 158

    Hello Dodgyknees

    It's some years ago but I had an ultrasound guided injection into my right shoulder after an 'ordinary' injection had failed to make any difference to my symptoms.

    I had to go to a local hospital outpatients department and recall reporting to a small day-care ward where I changed into a hospital gown. There were several other patients so each of us in turn was called into an adjacent treatment room. It was all quite straightforward with me sitting on a trolley with the backrest raised for the injection, which was administered from directly above the shoulder. A doctor and a nurse carried out the procedure. The actual injection was painless - although at least one of the other patients had experienced a short, sharp pain from theirs.

    I then waited back on the day ward, was given a cup of tea and read the book I had taken until it was clear there were no adverse reactions before I was allowed to leave. I was probably at the hospital for 2 hours in total but I imagine you will be much quicker at a GP surgery. The only condition was that I wasn't to drive that day but I had been warned in advance that I would need a driver so my OH obliged. There was some general soreness in the shoulder for a few days but it was not particularly restrictive.

    Unfortunately my injection wasn't effective and I later had key-hole surgery to remove a bone spur and several calcific deposits from the tendons. After a short recovery period I had no further problems with that shoulder.

    I would have no qualms about another similar procedure although I'm aware it might have been painful, as were injections into my knees at a later date. That pain lasted only seconds, resolving as soon as the needle was withdrawn so was a minor issue.

    I hope all goes well for you and that you are soon home and comfortable after the injection.

    DODGYKNEES Member Posts: 103

    Hi @crinkly thanks for the reply, very informative. IL post an update once iv had the injection