Due a hip replacement at the Oaklands Hospital Salford Manchester

Hi Ive got severe osteoarthritis and two cysts on my right hip Im waiting on a new hip Im very nervous but grateful to be getting help .

I just wondered if there is anyone on here who is being or has had this procedure at Oaklands and if so how things went for you ?

Just simply seeking some reassurances about surgeon hospital aftercare etc ...


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,773

    Hi @Gayedwards Welcome to the Online Community.

    I see from your post that you are awaiting surgery on your hip and are feeling understandably nervous.

    Our members won't be able to refer to any medical professional by name, but may be able to reassure you about their own experience of hip surgery.

    This is a long thread started by a regular @RogerBill who recently had his hip replaced. Other members have joined in the thread too:

    This is information about the actual procedure which (if you don't know already) you might find interesting:

    Now that you have introduced yourself do take a look around the forum and join in wherever you wish. Living with Arthritis tends to be the most popular category

    Best of luck and I hope you'll let us know how you get on


  • HG80
    HG80 Member Posts: 15

    Hi @Gaynor3 my husband had his gallbladder removed at Oaklands last year so I can help with the hospital part at least. It's clean, has a great nursing team and he had his own room with everything he needed. I was able to call up and speak to the nurses to see how he was getting on. Whilst it may be different now we're less 'Covid-y', last year they were keen to discharge as soon as he was assessed fit, and I wasn't allowed into the hospital. Which meant they gave all the post-op instructions to him a few hours after surgery when he really wasn't in a state to listen. So, I'd recommend asking for these instructions before the op or checking that someone can be there with you afterwards to hear them. Good luck!