Ralvo (Lignocaine) Patches


I have been using Ralvo Patches for approx 7 months. My GP has called to say that guidelines are that every 6 months you need a one month break. I believe this is to check/prove that you actually need to be prescribed this medication as it is expensive. I use the max dose of 3 plasters a day (2 on right knee, 1 on left knee)

I am dreading this break as I am very limited on the drugs I can take. I cannot take any NSAID's, Codeine, Tramadol, Negopam, Oramorph etc. I am surviving on Paracetamol 1000mg - 4 times a day and Tapentadol 50mg - up to 4 times a day. Plus Pregabalin, Amitriptyline for nerve pain caused by Cervical Myelopathy and Lumbar spine Stenosis.

Has anyone else heard of this enforced break?


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,879

    Good Morning @Suemadcatlady Welcome to the online Community.

    I understand from your post that you are struggling with pain and are unable to take quite a lot of pain relief. You have been I presume successfully using Ravlo (lidocaine) patches and your GP wants you to take a month's break. I can quite understand you are dreading this enforced break.

    I am aware of at least one members who uses the patches @jamieA a regular contributor.

    Before I leave you to meet our members I will just quickly attach a link to our information on pain is there may be something you haven't yet tried which might help you while you are off of your patches:

    I hope to see you posting again in the future.

    Best wishes


  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 841

    Hi @Suemadcatlady

    I've just seen your post and I'd be really surprised if this break is based on cost. The NICE pricepoint for lidocaine patches is £75 for a pack of 30 so £2.50 a patch. I was initially prescribed them for my shoulders and knee but have ended up using them mostly for my lower back - sacroiliac joints - and knee. I've nevered needed them every day since I was put on biologics for my PsA even though I've now got osteoarthritis in a number of my joints. I tend to use them in bursts - maybe 3-4 days straight when my back or knee pain is bad and then a number of days I don't need them as the pain has dissipated. I was told at the time that you couldn't use them all the time forever as your body would become used to the local anaesthetic. I also use capsaicin cream for my shoulders and knees which I feel helps as well. It's really difficult to get at present seemingly due to manufacturing problems in the UK. I do wonder if the effects of the cream are partly the 5 minutes or so I take to massage it onto each of my joints - whether it's actually the massage that's helping.

  • GRTMan
    GRTMan Member Posts: 1

    I believe these patches are also described as 5% Lidocaine. I have found some patches on Amazon that are apparently 2% Lidocaine. Called Aspercreme. They are not too costly. They seem to be used widely in the USA, and no presecription is needed. My GP advised they wont prescribe 5% any more because of cost. They suggested I try Capsaicin Creme which is pepper based.

  • PJoanne
    PJoanne Moderator Posts: 208

    Hello @GRTMan , and welcome to the community. We hope that you will find support and the information you need here.

    You can always chat to the helpline or email if you wish as well. The details are below.

    This is the information about Capsaicin from the VA website, I wonder if your GP is not aware of availability. The way Capsaicin works is through an acting as a rubefacient ( increasing blood flow to the area applied and thereby reducing pain.) Medicinal herbalists would prescribe this type of treatment and may use other rubefacients such as ginger, mustard or horseradish. Personally I would be cautious about buying medications from the internet.

    Best Joanne

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm