Driving with wrist fusion

Hi all quick question 5 months ago I had a wrist fusion in my right wrist. Also two day ago I had a partial fusion 4 corner in my left wrist. I know it's early days but do I need to contact my car insurance. Also dvla about my conditions I probably think so .also if there is people here with double hand fusion. Are you still driving plus your experience with driving 🚗 thanks andrew


  • Cath100
    Cath100 Moderator Posts: 40

    Hi @Andrew47nurdin

    Thanks for your message. You might find our info on driving and arthritis helpful, you can find out more here

    You could also try contacting Driving mobility as they may also be able to help answer your query. Probably best to ask the DVLA if you are in doubt though perhaps.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery



    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • I had right done in 95 and my left in 2005 never had to let the dvla know...

    The doctors always say let your insurance know to cover them selves phone call can't do no harm just don't drive with a plaster on your arm...