Leflunomide tablets

Hi! I was put on Leflunomide tablets alongside my Hydroxychloroquine around 4/5 weeks ago. My aches and pains are still very much there and getting worse each day, I was just wondering if anyone on them or has any knowledge about them could tell me how long do they take to get in your system and start working?


  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 739

    Hi @Ll14nds

    Welcome to the versus arthritis forum.

    You are taking both Leflunomide and Hydroxychloroquine and would like to hear from any forum members who also take these medications and can advise you on how long it took for them to become effective.

    Whilst you await feedback, if you haven’t already visited our website then these links may be useful:

    The article says “It may take four to six weeks before you start to feel the effects of leflunomide on your symptoms. It can take four to six months to feel the full effect of the drug.”

    This article suggests “It may be as long as 12 weeks before you notice the benefits.”

    I hope that these articles help and that you receive some useful input from members.

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

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