
Shirley65 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:09 in Living with arthritis

I have osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia and am struggling really badly at the moment. I keep reading that exercise will help but the thought of it makes me want to cry. I am in so much pain and I am so fed up and tired. I am obviously a bit of a whinge bag too!


  • MammaBuckz
    MammaBuckz Moderator Posts: 38

    Hey @Shirley65

    Welcome to the Online Community. You'll find a friendly helpful bunch of people with all types of arthritis. If you want to know anything, just ask and someone will be there to answer you or guide you in the right direction 😉

    You say you're struggling badly at the moment with your OA and Fibro and the pain is making you fed up and tired...... I understand where you're coming from and certainly don't think you're a whinge bag!😁

    Exercise is helpful for keeping the joints healthy, but when you're in pain it's the last thing you're thinking of doing. But joints are meant to move, and activity and movement can help to manage pain. Little and often is the best way of starting off and you might find the exercises on our website helpful. There's also a programme of exercise videos from Liam who is a physio and designed a range of exercises to help his mum who has OA. The exercises can all be done at your own pace and within your limits.

    Why don't you give them a go and see what you think and let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes

    MammaBuckz - Moderator

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • alexander1
    alexander1 Member Posts: 70

    Hi if you can get to a pool and especially a hydrotherapy pool. It’s the only place I can actually enjoy any exercise. Good luck.