help with cost of living

why are disabled people being treated worse than anyone else - my husband is on pip and esa neither of which are means tested so he only qualifys for 150 pound help but someone on universal credit gets 600 pounds - how is this fair - it means switching off some of his equipment to save costs


  • Angel666
    Angel666 Member Posts: 48

    It's the same for us 🤔 we are on contribution based pip, esa ect & only qualify for the same...he has mobility problems, seizures, chronic asthma & recently a TIA along with many others but having to use blankets & hotwater bottles to save on heating bills....thank goodness for slow cookers as cheaper to run so lots of stews, Currys, casseroles & bacon joints this winter ☺️

  • Loggiemod
    Loggiemod Member Posts: 240
    edited 24. Nov 2022, 11:40

    We bought an Air Fryer which is really just a small oven. There are only two of us now (unless the family descend) so do most things in that which saves putting the oven on. Only thing it hasn't worked on is pizza. Cetainly saving some £££ in electric bills and only cost about £40