New member

GabyF Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hi, I've been living with arthritis for most of my life and would love to be a member of this community. I've had a knee, elbow and ankle replacement, as well as eye surgery for Uveitis, and have been through the spectrum of anti-inflammatories, steroids, biologics and other disease-modifying drugs. I hope to be able to share my experiences, provide whatever advice I can and get some in return😊


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,117

    Hi @GabyF and welcome to the online community,

    It’s great that you’ve found us and are now a member. It sounds like you’ve got plenty of experience of living with arthritis and I’m sure your contribution to discussions will be useful. We’re all here to support each other so do join in any conversations you feel comfortable with and ask any questions you may have.

    The Versus Arthritis website has got some useful information on living with arthritis, so it’s worth having a browse through that if you want to find out about something arthritis related. The ‘About Arthritis’ page is a good introduction to different conditions, treatments and self help suggestions:

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

    Anna ( Mod)

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