pain management?

Lesley45 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

I have osteo arthritis in my knees, hips , shoulder and hand.. and have great difficulty in moving about. I am almost house bound ... but would love to be able to move around the bungalow and garden safely. Currently I am using naproxen 2ce a day and co-codrydamol 4 times. I am only using 1 tablet , but have been prescribed 2.. I fear becoming addicted. Unfortunately this system is not sufficient for me to stand for more than 15 mins or move about for 30 mins. I have to get out of the bed every 2 hours because of the pain, resulting in a very poor nights sleep. I also have degeneration of the slower spine. I have bought a Tens machine and need to know if this is considered useful. Any advice as to how to improve my mobility would be appreciated
