Newbie saying hi

Dringo Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hello all, thought i would join to see other peoples stories and see if theres any new tips i can come across to help. So I've had fibromyalgia for about 10 years now and arthritis in my shoulders 3 years. I have been getting back pain for about a year now which has reduced me to using a mobility scooter when I'm out . I struggle daily like im sure many of you do. I've just came back from an appointment with rheumatology and it was the quickest appointment ever. Got me to reach above my head, walk and bend over, all of which aggravated the pain, to be told he doesn't think increasing any medication will help and will send an email to Dr to refer me to pain management, which I have been to 3 times to be told I'm doing all that's needed with not over doing it and pacing myself etc. I just feel so deflated and asking myself is this all my life has become.. struggling in pain all day everyday. If I pace myself anymore I wouldn't even be getting out of bed!!

Sorry for the long post I just needed a moan


  • Dannii28
    Dannii28 Member Posts: 65

    Hi @Dringo 

    Welcome to the Online Community Forum, so pleased you have found us, you will find there are lots of resources and information available to you, please feel free to take a look around the website.

    I see that you have been suffering with fibromyalgia for about 10 years and inflammatory arthritis in your shoulders and have been getting back pain.

    I have attached some links below which you may find useful.


    I would also suggest having a look around the other forums as there might be other members that are going through the same thing as you and be able to share their own advice and experiences.

    Let us know how you get on

    Dannii (mod)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792

    Hi @Dringo

    I am so sorry you had such a bad experience at the rheumatologists😕

    You must feel so deflated I know I would. It sounds as though your GP has tried to help by referring you to pain management (is that what I know as a pain clinic?) and they haven't come up with anything new.

    Is it Osteoarthritis you have together with fibro?

    Do please hang around and chat to us it will help you know just being around others who understand pain is so supportive.

    Sending ((()))

    Toni x