Going private northern ireland

Hi All,

Does anyone have experience going to private rheumatologist in Belfast or Northern Ireland?

I've been on waiting list for 4y. My GP recently re-referred me as urgent. Bloods show rheumatoid factor and positive ANA (Lupus).

I would like to hear people's experience going private. I've no insurance and whilst I can afford initial consultation or two, I'm worried they'll send me for scans, mri...and costs will quickly add up.

I could be on waiting list for few more years and meanwhile my joint pain is getting worse.


  • Newbie_RA
    Newbie_RA Member Posts: 2

    Hi, it’s a worry waiting so long. I’m in Scotland and have just seen a private Rheumatologist as I’m on the NHS waiting list with no sign of being seen. I have now been diagnosed with RA within 2 weeks of my first appointment. I’m not insured either so paying for this myself. I’m about to start meds to treat this but not sure what the long term costs will be. Hoping at some point I get an NHS appointment to take over my treatment plan. Take care 💐

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,749
    edited 21. Feb 2023, 08:02

    Good Morning @dagwags and @Newbie_RA

    Welcome to both of you.

    I see you are both considering seeing a consultant privately due to long waiting lists.

    First of all I wanted to link this thread in for you in case it's of interest:

    I am sure you will both be able to support one another through the process, but hope this might help a bit.

    You'll see that there are a number of people named in the thread who have done what you are proposing. They may be able to help too regarding treatment going forward as they are still quite active on the forum.

    Best wishes


  • Newbie_RA
    Newbie_RA Member Posts: 2

    Hi, it’s a worry waiting so long. I’m in Scotland and have just seen a private Rheumatologist as I’m on the NHS waiting list with no sign of being seen. I have now been diagnosed with RA within 2 weeks of my first appointment. I’m not insured either so paying for this myself. I’m about to start meds to treat this but not sure what the long term costs will be. Hoping at some point I get an NHS appointment to take over my treatment plan. Take care