To CBD or not to CBD


I've just come off Fentanyl patches, because they stopped working for me. I can't use neuropathis pain relief be cause it increases my pain. It was recommended to me that CBD might help, with its cost to be my responsibility. NO dose or type of cbd oil was suggested. I have tried the lowest strength but it had no impact. I see you can get chewable gummies online but I am not on a high budget and would need to know that lots of you are getting great relief from this product. It's very expensive to buy and I have a tight budget. On reflection I feel uncertain about whether or not I should try these products.

Hopefully some among you will have experiance of these products and can offer me some solid advice. Thanks to all who do.


  • veryaraf
    veryaraf Member Posts: 41

    Hi, I started taking CBD hoping for some joint pain relief. Not sure whether it works for that or not. However it does act as a blood thinner and helps subdue anxiety and stress. Experiment but do some googling to get more online info.

  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579

    I have little experience of this product, just one thought. Can you legally drive a vehicle on a road after taking it?

    It’s a grin, honest!

  • veryaraf
    veryaraf Member Posts: 41

    More thoughts on my experience. I did start with drops under the tongue several years ago. The taste isn’t wonderful and the drops can be put on a bit of dark chocolate but more recently I take capsules. The up side is that they stop me crying. Also we lost a grandchild and my daughter takes them for that reason too. I haven’t spoken to anyone else that takes them. The trouble is drs only prescribe the stuff with loads of nasty side effects so taking supplements can be a bit hit and miss. I tried Tramadol but it didn’t suit me. So I take co codamol late evening and at bedtime which helps with sleep. Don’t think they dull the pain much and you have to take magnesium with them lessen the side effects on the liver. Not sure this will help anyone.