Hip replacement date

I have been told by my surgeon that he hopes to do my hip replacement “by April “ as of yet I have not heard anymore. How does the process work? The pain is worse by the day as it’s “bone on bone” I also suffer from PMR and am having to take steroid tablets for this. Will this effect my op? Is there anyway of finding out how close I am to having the op?


  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member Posts: 223

    Hi @Newyear Based on my experience of having had operations for cancer and a hip replacement the best advice I can offer is to try and form a friendly and polite relationship with any doctor, nurse and admin staff you have contact with. They're all busy people who very often have to deal with awkward and even abusive patients so simply being polite and considerate will help you stand out from the crowd.

    During my cancer treatment I found volunteering to participate in research projects and charities attached to the hospital was a really good way of establishing contacts with staff and getting access to information as a result of being seen to be supportive rather than as a problem to be dealt with.

  • Hi @Newyear

    Thank you for your posting. I am sorry to hear about the pain you are in. You could contact the hospital where you are to have the surgery or speak to your GP about waiting times. Particularly if your condition has worsened. You can also speak to the GP about what will happen in terms of your current medication. Most hospitals will invite you to a pre-admission clinic, usually about two to three weeks before the surgery. You’ll be examined and have tests to make sure you’re generally well enough to undergo surgery.


    You should discuss with your surgical team whether you should stop taking any of your medications or make any changes to the dosage or timings before you have surgery. It’s helpful to bring your medicines, or a list of them, along to this appointment. I have included a link below with more information about Hip replacement surgery  and NHS information about the process of having an operation. I hope this is helpful.



    NHS - Having an operation

    Hip Replacement Surgery


    Best Wishes



    Helpline Advisor


  • Newyear
    Newyear Member Posts: 20

    Hi all,

    I am still waiting for my op and the pain is awful. I am taking lots of meds including tramadol naproxen amirtripti and paracetamol. The doctor tried morphine as well which did nothing so I stopped it. I have now been given gabapentin as well and have been taking for a week but has not helped so far. I had a phone appointment with a hospital Dr for another issue I have yesterday and she checked on my progress for the hip replacement and said it looks as though it was looked at again a couple of days before and says I am on Priority. Can anyone explain if this is usual and can still take a long time or if the operation is imminent? Also does anyone know or have any experience of mediation that could actually work ? Many thanks

  • Hi @Newyear  

    Thank you for posting on the forum.

     I am so sorry to hear that you’re still waiting for your operation and the pain is awful,  I’m glad to hear that it looks as if you are a priority on the list. Your surgery may also be able to give you contact details for the orthopaedics at the hospital, hopefully to find out more about when your pre op will be as well as other information that you may need to know. 

    Do talk any medical concerns over with your health professional, for the experiences of others please re post on the living with arthritis forum where you will receive more responses.

    I hope this is of some help.

    Best wishes


    Helpline Advisor