Osteoarthritis of shoulders

lyn53 Member Posts: 1
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hi I'm new here, pleased I've found this group.

Has anyone had a reverse shoulder replacement. How did it go, do you still have any pain. I am on a waiting list to have this procedure on my right shoulder, I am in extreme pain, but can't take any morphine or morphine based pain relief. Life consists of lots of paracetamol and copious amounts of voltarol. I have had both hips replaced, have a spinal stenosis, fibro, poly neuropathy and if that wasn't enough also tinnitus. The only thing that keeps me going is my dog, who ironically at 5 years old has been diagnosed with spondylosis. Vets seem to have more idea about pain relief than doctors. I look forward to being part of this group. Xx


  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 158

    Hello Lyn53.

    Two of us members documented our experiences of RTSR in the past few years on this site - Lindalegs who has RA and I with OA. Mine was left, (non-dominant) shoulder but Lindalegs' was her right.

    My IT skills are rubbish so I can't add the links to our threads here but you will find us quite easily via the search button if someone else doesn't bail me out by adding the links for you!

    I certainly have no regrets. I am not completely pain free - eg driving is a little uncomfortable - but loads better than before the operation and I only use use pain medication at night - when other affected jonts are far more troublesome than the operated shoulder.

    Range of movement is pretty good although there are some restrictions, which you will be explained in advance. Imorovements were still happening up to two years after the surgery. For me a good outcome and I'm sure that the surgical techniques will have developed further since my surgery.

    I certainly did plenty of research ahed of the op so was well prepared for it and for the immediate aftermath when I had great support from my husband.

    If you have questions please don't hesitate to post them and I'm sure one of us, or someone else, will share our experience with you.

  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 158

    PS for Lyn56

    Just remembered that a thread can be brought back into the 'live' forum by adding a short post so I'll do that now in the hope that it proves useful to you even though my surgery was four years.

  • CarylW
    CarylW Member Posts: 274

    Hello @lyn53

    Welcome to this online community, and I hope you find it supportive and friendly - you have already had some good response!

    @crinkly has also posted as promised on reverse shoulder surgery, which I am sure will be a helpful read for you. Do keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi all .New to group .Been waiting 3 years for both my shoulders to have a total shoulder replacement.Surgery is very near now .Pain I am in us unbearable, can't tolerate morphine and nothing else works .Terrified of operations in case I am more pain. Restricted movement I have got used to .Any advice is appreciated.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,872

    Welcome to the online community @91survivor

    I am pleased to hear you are about to have surgery on both shoulders - at the same time I wonder?

    I am attaching two 'old' threads for you one which might be particularly interesting is @lindalegs because she had restricted movement prior to her operation:

    and this one:

    I hope some some f those who have had the surgery will reply to you I know their experiences will be very useful.

    Do please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes


  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,398

    Hello @lyn53 and @91survivor, welcome to you both.

    As others have said I had my right shoulder reverse replacement in October 2020. I documented my experience for people like you who are facing the same procedure. I was worried beforehand because I'm right handed so if things didn't go my way I would be in a right pickle! Although things may have moved on since then I think the experience will be very similar.

    I can honestly say I get no pain from my right shoulder and happily sleep on it at night, in fact I slept on it as soon as I was given permission by the physiotherapists. I religiously did all the exercises for 18 months and was even told I was overdoing them at one point and to relax my strict regime. Despite doing the exercises, having had rheumatoid for 37 years, the disease has damaged my muscles as well as destroying the joint. This means that some movement is difficult for me and I have to assist my arm in order to do certain tasks. I've learnt to live with this and have adapted the way I do things although it can occasionally be a little frustrating. I don't regret having the surgery because the terrible pain has gone, I've just had to compromise as we have to do sometimes in all walks of life.

    As a footnote I have been offered the same procedure on my left shoulder but as it is 'quiet' at the moment I have decided not to. Nobody has surgery for fun and I do believe that if it doesn't trouble you leave well alone. If it does trouble you and interferes with all aspects of your life then it is definitely worth having the procedure done. I'm so glad I had my right shoulder replaced.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

    Love, LindaLegs xx

    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'