Pain and mobility

I have had osteo arthritis for many years ,knees ,hip and shoulder .have managed until the last year

My mobility has gradually become worse In the last few months the pain, in both of my legs, top of the thigh to the ankle ,has become unbearable. I take Co codamol and Gabapentin which I am currently increasing.

I wondered if other folk had the same symptoms I am due to have blood screening next week.

Thanks for any suggestions.


  • CarylW
    CarylW Member Posts: 274

    Hello @Pickford

    I don't think this cold weather is helping pain levels at the moment, and I can appreciate how difficult it is to keep mobile when pain levels are high.

    I don't know if you have had a chance to explore our website, but the following links may be helpful:

    Please keep in touch with us and let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? Call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Schubert
    Schubert Member Posts: 2

    Hi Pickford, I’m sorry that you’re having so much pain but I can relate to that a little bit.

    I’ve got ddd, spinal stenosis, arthritis of the spine, sciatica and now I’m awaiting the results of an mri on the sacroiliac joints.

    The pain, especially when walking is excruciating, so my mobility is extremely limited.

    I take co-codamol, naproxen, Omerprazole and diazepam . The last one is only used when the spasms are really bad.

    I really hope you get some pain relief soon!

    Take care

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 528

    I can't help thinking if the Arthritis is the body attacking itself, and causing pain, and then the pain triggers a healing response, then where exactly are we up to here? One of my first questions to the rheumatologists was, do I push myself through the pain or what?

    I recently began exercising at the gym once a week, and sure enough I ache more and kind of wish I hadn't bothered. I am currently planning to hang in there, and in the week let the pain drive me to do just a bit more everyday exercise than usual to try and ward off the stiffness.