Hip replacement

Hi I had a hip replacement last Friday 3rd March and am feeling very tired and emotional. What is the best type of chair to sit in? How often should I do my exercises? What is the easiest way to take a shower? How long do I need to use walking aids eg. walking frame, crutches etc? So many questions but I know you all will have your own advice which will be gratefully appreciated. Thanks Carmel xx


  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 846
    edited 10. Mar 2023, 12:49

    Hi @Carmie

    Welcome to the online community great to see you posting and enquiring.

    You write that you have just had a Hip replacement last Friday. It is quite alright to feel tired and emotional you have been through surgery and that is how i felt after my hip surgery. You should have had a consultation with a physiotherapist before or after surgery where they recommend what you need to do after surgery and what hight of chair and you should have been given a set of exercises to follow,i was given all that before you left hospital, so i dont understand how you were missed.I would contact your GP and notify the surgery you are home and need advice and help.

    Here are a few links to help while you wait.

    Hope these links help in some way to improve your situation,please keep in touch and tell us how you get on and do go onto our forums and chat to others they will help and encourage you.

    All the best Christine

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,750
    edited 10. Mar 2023, 15:15

    Hi @Carmie , congratulations on the new hip! At least the wait is over, but it's still a bit of a tough haul for the first few weeks after surgery. In answer to your questions:

    1. You will feel tired and emotional for quite a while. It's normal. You've just put your body through major surgery, it's trying to rebuild itself. That takes up energy in ways you don't notice, and let's face it, the op and recovery are a bit traumatic. Be kind to yourself, and your body.
    2. Best chair - a high one, and preferably an armchair to help you push yourself up. I built up our chair with cushions and pillows - the pillows helped sooth my tender rump!
    3. Exercises, at least once a day, and if they're starting to get "too easy" once your body rebuilds, use a rubber resistance band. It would be worth having a few sessions with a private physio once you're over the worst of the recovery, as they can change up your exercise routine to help you keep rebuilding your muscles. Try not to sit still for too long - get up at least every hour and walk around. I actually found walking more comfortable than sitting and lying down, and did little walks round the village which I gradually extended. (The first trip out was only 200 steps on my fitbit, it took me 20 minutes!) I'm still doing my exercises now, nearly two years later, as my body turned into a complete drama queen about the whole thing, but it's still gradually improving.
    4. Showers - depends on how you need to manage your scar. I remember just having strip washes from my perching stool for the first few weeks until the dressings came off and all had healed up. Saved a fortune on water and gas bills too.
    5. Using crutches/frames - as long as you need to. It's Not A Race!! I can't emphasise that enough. Surgeons usually ask that we use at least one crutch for at least 6 weeks, as this is how long it takes for the bone to heal. It's not a matter of using pain as the measure. I used 2 crutches for at least half that time as my leg felt so wobbly, and the thought of falling over and struggling to get back up (or worse, damaging the hip) was too horrible to contemplate. I think it was 7 weeks before I drove again, but I carried on using my crutch, and then a stick, for a good few months after. I still use the stick (nearly 2 years later) when on uneven ground just for balance. Mine wasn't a typical recovery by any means, and some people ditch the whole lot after 6 weeks, but what I'm saying is, if your body tells you you need to keep using them, then keep using them. You don't get a gold star if you chuck them away after 3 weeks, you haven't won some imaginary race with other new "hippies", but you will make your surgeon wince.

    Hope this helps. Keep asking questions, there's loads of us on this forum who've been where you are now. It's a hard road, but this time it gets better, now worse, as time passes.

  • Sueathome
    Sueathome Member Posts: 3

    Lilymary that was a great letter help me a lot thanks x

  • Carmie
    Carmie Member Posts: 8

    Thank you so much for your advice and support it is reassuring to know that there are people who know what I’m going through.