
Baggy314 Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis


  • Nfk_gal0617
    Nfk_gal0617 Member Posts: 39

    Hello again Baggy314, Wondering how you are and whether you have started your meds yet?

    I start Sulfasalzine on Monday so I am keeping my fingers crossed ( well only the ones that will move) that I have no side effects or at least managable ones.

    Has your arthritis been pinned down to a type? Can take a while - in my case a lot of reading from the information on Versus Arthritis and searching on a well known site beginning with G, being careful they were medical researched views.

    I asked a local pharmarist who said he issues various drugs for arthritis very regularly so I assume there are lots of people that take drugs with no problems. Those people that the drugs are working for are ( in my view) unlikely to be the majority on here and are just getting on with their life, things having worked.

    I Hope you have been able to be re-assurred from reading that many others take strong drugs, I have. Thank you various posters!

    Sorry for my awful spelling.

    Take care, Nfk gal