The Day Before Op Day

Hi Everyone,

Hope today is a good one for you all.

My op is tomorrow and I'm still not quite believing its happening. As time gets closer, I get a bit panicky if I think about the op too much, so sticking at keeping myself occupied.

I went away for 5 days last week. Met some lovely people and saw some lovely things, including the Mary Rose Exhibition. If anyone hasn't already, if you get the chance to go, go. It is the best Exhibition of its kind I have ever seen.

I queried whether to go or not, but I was able to switch off from everything and have a good time. It was the professionals letting me down over agreements for telephone appointments that was stressing me out. I felt I couldn't move forward. In the end, I emailed the hospital telling them what I was doing, and asking them the questions I had. I asked for a reply by email. No reply. So I emailed whilst I was away telling them what I was doing, and asking them to get back to me by email if they had any concerns about what I was planning to do. No reply!! So if they refuse to operate tomorrow, I will be making a fuss.

Please keep in touch. I find it comforting knowing that people are with me.



  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,782

    Very best of luck for tomorrow @Sheelee 🤞


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Oh @Sheelee

    The big day has arrived! I wish you all the very very best for tomorrow.

    Remember after the op is done things should only get better🤞

    I do hope you'll post about your recovery when you feel up to it as there are lots of us here rooting for you.

    Take care

    Toni x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Hi @Sheelee

    I'm wishing you much love and healing thoughts for your new journey with your new hip and I look forward to hearing your recovery journey when you are able.

    To wait so long for a surgery means you don't necessarily think it will happen until you're in the anaesthetic room. I called my neck surgeon my hero last week when I came round and hope you have the same feeling tomorrow or Thursday.

    Do as you're told and remember it's a marathon, not a sprint. I'll be thinking of you.

    Love n hugs

    Trish xxxx

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 243

    Hi @Sheelee

    wishing you all the best for tomorrow. Look forward to hearing from you regarding your recovery.


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749
    edited 14. Mar 2023, 23:24

    While frustrating, it’s extremely hard to get surgeon’s to reply to emails. My SIL, retired consultant, says they get so many every day they simply dont have time to deal with all of them and they effectively triage them, dealing with the critical stuff first. Doing something lovely to take your mind of things was probably the best thing for you.

    Hope it all goes well tomorrow. I can thoroughly recommend being in a state of total denial about the surgery etc, except for the goal of being pain free very soon. Just put your faith in the surgeons and anaesthetists, they know what they’re doing. I just surrendered my body to them and let them get on with it!

    See you on the other side 😊

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Thank you to everybody for your best wishes. It really helps to feel I'm not doing this alone.

    I woke up at 3.45, so stayed up. The alarm was on for 4.15 anyway. Last dose of the stuff they give you for showering to prevent in hospital infection. It's really nice on your skin and hair, but don't get it in your mouth. It tastes foul.

    Taxi arriving at 6.30. It's now just after 5am, so it's the last dose (yeuk) of the pre load drink they give you so you don't waste away during the operation. Not great if you don't take sugar!!

    Still in a degree of denial Lilymary, but at least I slept last night.

    Operation will be this morning so mid afternoon, I will have an idea of how the post op pain level works out!!

    Again, thank you everybody 🙏 😘

    Speak soon


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Thinking if you this morning @Sheelee

    Love n hugs

    Trish xxx

  • Jewels
    Jewels Member Posts: 202

    Good luck @Sheelee xx

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Hi Everyone,

    Back in my bedroom and happily pain free-whilst the epidural is still on!! Be nice to think that it will be this good in a few hours time.

    Feel totally cheated. Didn't even see inside the operating theatre. I slept all the way through it.

    Again, thank you for all the good wishes,


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    Good to hear you’re through this bit ok Sheelee. Not knowing about the op? Best way. My sister (she of two new knees) used to be an ortho nurse. She described joint replacement as “medical grade carpentry”, which made my surgeon laugh out loud. I was given the choice of how far I wanted to be put under. I asked for as much as possible! I came round as they were wheeling me out into the recovery ward. Funny, I liked the body wash/shampoo too, made my hair really silky. I deduced it was because of lack of sulfates, and have tried to find similar since. There are quite a few sulfate free shampoos on the market, but none are quite as good as the MRSA wash!

    I hope you have a good night. Don't worry if you don't sleep well, no one does. You’ll have plenty of time to catch up later. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Well that is great to see @Sheelee 😊

    I hope you are feeling as good today because they might just happen along and get you out of your bed!


    Toni x

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Hi frogmorton Tanya,

    Yep. A but sore today. They had me using a frame to the loo yesterday, but saw the physio earlier, so the exercise regime is building up, and feeling a bit sorer today.

    Thanks for the flowers. They are lovely.

    How are you?

    Sheelee xx

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Hi Lilymary,

    I'm a bit more achy today and am very tired. That's despite (believe it or not) a decent night's sleep last night. It may be different tonight, as I do feel sorer having extended myself more under the watchful eye of the physio.

    If you so find something as nice as the cleanser they hand out let me know. It is really nice.

    Sheelee xx

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    Hi Sheelee, glad you’re starting to move around again, it’s so important, even if it does feel a bit weird at the mo. Good to hear you’ve had a decent nights sleep too. I just resigned myself to sleeping badly till the worst was over, I found sleeping on my back awful, but roughed it out (it was about 7 weeks before I felt comfortable sleeping normally again). I just amused myself reading or on the internet when sleep got impossible, I figure if I’m awake I might as well be enjoying myself, and as I wasn’t doing anything the next day, what did it matter if I was fuzzy round the edges!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Hi @Sheelee

    Well done getting up on a frame already and starting your physio.

    How did you sleep last night and any chance of getting home soon?

    The wash they give you - I think it might be hibiscrub I used to love that stuff years ago we had it where I did voluntary work. Smells fab, but probably would dry your skin out sadly long term 😕

    Keep up the good work

    Toni x