
SunnyD Member Posts: 5
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hi Community

i was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in October and am taking Amytriptyline which has helped my pain. I am finding the life adjustment hard even though I am surrounded by a loving family and friends. I had a recent flair and am therefore back to 5 minutes walking in the pool which still brings on anxiety. I started doing EFT in Jan and have now added CBT in too all to help with panic attacks etc. Anyway looking forward to getting some mojo back in time. I am now truly having to understand the virtue of patience.


  • Bettyboo22
    Bettyboo22 Member Posts: 23

    Hi @SunnyD

    The cold wet weather doesn’t help with Fibromyalgia, but good on you for carrying on doing small things, it’s so important to move.

    Really hope you find the benefit of CBT and EFT.

    best wishes


  • CarylW
    CarylW Member Posts: 274

    Hello @SunnyD

    I am glad you have found our supportive and friendly community, and I hope you will find the help we are able to give is useful for you to find your mojo again. I understand you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and are being treated with Amitriptyline. You are finding the adjustment understandably difficult and you are trying EFT and CBT to help with panic attacks.

    I am posting below some information from our website which I hope will give you some information:

    I hope you will continue to post here and let us know how you are getting on.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? Call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • SunnyD
    SunnyD Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Bettyboo22

    Thank you for your support. I think you are right about the weather. I am looking forward to Spring. I just sat outside with my winter coat on and a cup of tea, very fresh but I always love being outside.

  • Kerenza68
    Kerenza68 Member Posts: 15

    Hi SunnyD,

    I was diagnosed with Fibro about 7 years ago along with ME. I initially put my knee pain down to that until they discovered it was OA. I'm a bit of a weird one as the heat makes me feel worse, I loathe summer and basically sit indoors with my aircon on!

    I'm glad you have a good support network, these illnesses can be a lonely place. Good luck with the CBT,


  • SunnyD
    SunnyD Member Posts: 5

    Hi Kerenza68

    I do find it lonely at times, especially when thinks flare up. Getting some creative ideas flowing has helped. I started creating an identity box for myself - lots of anger on the outside but on the inside are good things I am learning about myself and the world. Hope your weekend was okay.