Sheelee Update

Thank you for all your concern.

Happily, compassion prevailed, rather than hard core bureaucracy, and the carers association are putting a care package in from today.

Just had a lovely wash and brush up.

I flooded tears of relief, and thank you so much. You are such a lovely group.

Sheelee xx


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Relieved that the care package people have seen sense!band that you're feeling better

    Love n hugs

    Trish xxx

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Just a bit Trish. I just flooded tears with relief.

    Sheelee xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    If you ever feel that you're doing this in your own despair again just pm me. I'm usually lurking around somewhere at stupid o'clock.

    Might not get an instant reply but you'll always get one plus I'll get an email to say you've messaged me.

    One day at a time @Sheelee, you've survived the worst part of being home and that's getting there.

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Thank you so much, Trish,

    Sheelee xx

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 243

    Hi @Sheelee

    so glad that your care package has been implemented. Just having a few basic things done can make you feel so much better. Now it's onwards and upwards for you.

    Take care.🤗

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Thank goodness for that. I woke up in the middle of the night panicking about you.

    There should be no question of making exceptions you deserved decent support - you had organised it and were prepared to pay for it. Short term it should be and that might be why you didn't get priority. The same happened to me when my friend needed end of life care! The 'regulars' must be their bread and butter!

    So we sacked them and looked after her ourselves.

    You take care and keep going to are doing brilliantly I am very very proud of you ((()))

    Toni xx

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Thank you Toni. 😊 I don't know where I would have been without people like yourself.

    Sheelee xx

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Hi Toni,

    It was bad enough them leaving me high and dry on Friday, but to leave someone, and yheir grieving friends and family is nothing short of disgusting. You all needed support.n

    If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, if you lack compassion, why come into an organisation that needs compassion as its fundamental asset? And if anyone thinks its OK to enter such organisations to acquire or learn compassion, forget it. Firstly, what about tyr people on thr receiving end of all of that. Secondly, I honestly believe that compassion is a personality trait, not something you can "learn" as an academic subject.

    It's one of my bug bears this one, Toni xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    How right you are @Sheelee

    I have met the very very best of people doing 'care' but I have also met the very worst. It cannot be taught no compassion, empathy and the values needed to be the best of carers is inside you. You are so right.

    Unfortunately carers are not paid anywhere near what they ought to be, there just isn't the money and that means a lot of the good ones have to leave and find better paying jobs.

    Off my soap box!

    How are YOU doing?

    I hope feeling a bit better than you were?


    Toni x

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    Hi Toni,

    I feel I've been on the go all day, and now feeling very tired.

    The local authority are visiting tomorrow to see if they will offer short term support with their reablement team. If they don't take me on, I'll continue with the carers I've got, taking on more tasks as I feel ableproud of myself today, Toni. Did a load of washing. And I'm happy now getting a snack and a drink. It's difficult to manage hot food from the microwave as the kitchen top is too narrow to have space to be able to get a dish out straight and place in front of the kitchen tops. I haven't got the leg strength or balance to be able to manoeuvre the hot food round yet. But I feel tonnes better than I did Saturday and even yesterday. I'm only tired because I am getting back to doing more things.

    How are you Toni? Where are you at in terms of your arthritis, treatment etc.

    Sheelee xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Hi @Sheelee

    Glad you're feeling better, remember it's a long road ahead but you're doing fabulously. I did see a random thingy on that selling site that's got the name of a river a handle that clips I to the side if microwave containers..

    I was tempted to get one for when my hands are bad but I think I'll make sure the husband stats gainfully employed!

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Oh @Sheelee

    I feel really heartened reading your post yesterday. You sound like the Sheelee we know.

    Well done you are doing very very well I am also proud of you able to get snacks and drinks now.😊

    Maybe the local authority can help they are there for short term recoveries as yours will be and I am sure you will dispense with them as soon as you can manage.

    My MIL had a walker temporarily with a tray on it to move food and drinks about post her hip op. Maybe they can organise one of those for you. Better if someone could call in at mealtimes for a while though and bring food to your lap/table or tray though I think for now.

    I am doing ok ATM thank you so much for asking when you are post op. My meds are doing well enough just now.

    Take care

    Toni x