On line digital story/Theatre project

Hevab Member Posts: 4
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hi all - I am a relatively newly diagnosed RA person who is trying to navigate how this has changed me and my life.... I'm just about starting my third type of treatment in 2 years so the road has not been smooth but I live in hope.... I also happen to be doing an MA in Theatre and would really like to create my major project around material of this area.... I've had so many feelings, moments and events both funny and incredibly sad during the last 2 years that I figure there must be thousands of us that have 'stories to tell' and when I searched for any kind of dramatic form on line to tell those stories I found nothing.... soooo I'd love to hear from anyone who might be willing to participate in online discussion/sessions to find forms to tell our stories and to really get our message out to the non- arthritis aware community.... even bigger my dream is to present a performance to conferences so professionals can really appreciate the human context of these diseases.... which I have felt is lost sometimes!!! If this sounds like you (you would not need to perform don't worry!) and you have stories to share please leave a note and I'll work out how we can organise this... many thanks Heather.


  • Pleased to help if i can, i have some funny and a tragic tale to tell.

  • Louisa77
    Louisa77 Administrator Posts: 264

    Hi @Hevab and others

    If you or anyone have any stories they would like to tell of their experience good or bad then I would ask that you share them with our team at Versus Arthritis where we share these to build awareness of the MSK conditions people face. If anyone is interested please email stories@versusarthritis.org.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? Call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Hevab
    Hevab Member Posts: 4

    Fabulous - thank you - I am trying to get a few willing participants and then we can work out a plan of how to develop this - can't wait to hear your stories :) Heather