NHS Prepayment certificate


Hello everyone,

Apologies in advance if this is a topic folks are aware of but I was recently told about the NHS Prepayment Certificate for prescriptions. If like me Forum members pay for their meds and it's more than 2 prescriptions a month, a prepayment certificate ought to save a significant amount of money. Payment is via DD every month for 10 months (if annual) or quarterly and is interest-free.

This is the link for more info: https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/buy-prescription-prepayment-certificate/start

Hope this will be of benefit to those of us who need to watch the pennies a bit!



  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 618

    Hi @jonr

    Pre payment certificates would be perfect for anyone on here. I had one prior to being ancient enough to get free ones and as I was taki g 5 regular meds at that point it saved me a fortune and that's before you count the one off prescriptions

    It's also always worth checking out to see if any if our other ailments give you free prescriptions in any case. They don't advertise those too well either

    Love n hugs


  • MarkInSussex

    You can also apply for a Medical Exemption Certificate if you have an illness that is limiting, such as RA, you can get the form from your GP (no online version im afraid), fill it in and return to your GP for them to approve, if the GP approves it you get a card through the post and then are able to have free prescriptions and other benefits like subsidised dental & eye care, also subsidised travel to and from medical appointments on public transport, there is a simple test you can take on the .gov website which will tell you if you are eligible or not https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/check-my-nhs-exemption/start

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,025

    @MarkInSussex thanks, that’s useful information!

    Anna ( Moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • JenHB
    JenHB Member Posts: 142

    Just a reminder - if you need to get a prepayment certificate the cost increases on 1st April (by about £3 for the 12 month certificate).