Re-starting Mtx after Covid


I had Covid for around 10 days and tested positive last Wednesday. However, I still have a fuzzy feeling in my head, am a bit dizzy and seem to have very low energy levels, plus have the constant feeling of being at the tail end of a cold. I'm due to re-start my methotrexate tomorrow but can't seem to find anything online to advise whether or not to re-start while I have symptoms, but am Covid-free according to my test result. Please can you help? My rheumatology helpline won't be open until Tuesday and I would probably get a call back on Wednesday which is a little late. I worry as I had a chest infection prior to Covid so have not been taking Methotrexate for a few weeks now, although am not as yet feeling too many RA symptoms.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


  • JenHB
    JenHB Member Posts: 147

    I would feel it's probably best not taking it - I didn't take my methotrexate this week as was laid low (and in bed) with a virus. Maybe phone 111 and see what they advise? I may be having the same dilemma next Wednesday....

  • Nuthatch
    Nuthatch Member Posts: 8

    Thanks for replying JenHB. Sorry to hear you have been laid low by a virus too, it's no fun at all. My gut is telling me it would be unwise to take the Mtx today. If my body is still dealing with something it feels wrong to knock down my immune system at the same time. It's so hard to find good advice as a lot relating to Covid is still unknown, but I think on balance I will leave it another week and maybe call my rheumatology helpline on Tuesday anyway.

    Thanks again and wishing you all the best for a speed recovery.

  • Hi @Nuthatch

    Thank you for posting to the Helpline online community. We understand your concerns about starting to take methotrexate again after having covid. I am glad to hear you are now testing negative. We would suggest that you do try to speak to your rheumatology department as soon as you can for advice on restarting your medication. They may suggest that you restart as soon as possible to help to prevent any flare up, but as we are not medically trained, we are not able to advise.

    As @JenHB suggested, you could also speak to NHS111.

    Hope you soon feel better and quickly get the response you need from your rheumatology department.

    I have included a link below to managing your condition to help if you do start to experience any RA symptoms

    Best wishes


    Helpline Advisor