Keeping Motivated

jonr Member Posts: 426

Hi everyone,

When I first started with physio and exercise to strengthen my knees I found it very hard at times to be motivated, particularly on a flare-up day.

What I've found very helpful to me is to build this into my daily routine and over the months this has become a habit and habits are hard to break.

However, 20 minutes of physio a day is a lot easier to accommodate than an hour's walk when I simply don't feel like getting out of bed. For those occasions I'll walk to a destination where I can reward myself with a "well done me" coffee and a slice of cake, or a Beer in a pub.

It would be great to read about other members' hints and tips to make everyday life more bearable and positive.



  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 292

    Hi @jonr

    I sometimes find it hard to motivate myself to do my daily physio and like you tend to reward myself with a coffee and a chocolate biscuit or two ( naughty but nice ) ! My other reward is a holiday in a few months time when I shall be doing more walking so I am trying to keep my joints as supple as possible. 😊

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 818
    edited 24. Apr 2023, 07:08

    Hi @jonr

    When I had shoulder surgery I was given a huge box of my favourite chocolates. Rather than sit and eat them feeling sorry for myself I used them as motivation to do my physio which was excruciatingly painful. I placed the open box just far enough away from me when I did the exercises and treated myself to one after completion of each exercise. By the time they had gone the pain levels had decreased and I was able to do without the motivation. I don't buy chocolates so it wasn't habit forming but I do still use them post any surgery for the same reasons.

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 426

    Thanks for sharing Trish,

    It is so easy to give in to the pain and procrastinate with physio and/or exercising but as you say, sitting around feeling sorry for yourself isn't the answer. In my owncase I know I'll have that sense of accomplishment for having done something positive as well as having a treat which tastes all the better for having earned it!

    Take care,

    Jon x