Knee now Hip now What?

Hi Everyone.

As well as having Osteoarthritis in my right knee I have been diagnosed today with it now also in my right hip. I have been waiting for the results of my recent x-rays and thought that I had a problem also with my hip. My Doctor is referring me back to the MSK clinic and I am wondering what happens next? I have been given physio exercises to do for both knee and hip but am not sure how many I will need to do now. No doubt I will get more info. at my MSK appt. I am trying to keep myself positive about this but deep down I feel overwhelmed. Any thoughts from anyone on here who has been diagnosed with both hip and knee osteoarthritis would be most appreciated.

Many thanks.


  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 116

    Hiya, it’s quite a shock to be diagnosed with knee and hip, even when you suspect that’s the most likely outcome. Take time to digest what you have been told, think through the questions you want to ask at your appointment and ensure you remember to be kind to yourself.

    Im discovering having OA takes time to come to terms with, to adjust and find new ways of doing things. For me, staying on top of pain management has been important. I have 3 key exercises at the moment that I do every other day. 10 x clam and 10 x sit to stand squats - 3 sets of each with a 1 minute rest between sets, plus wall sitting aiming for 1 minute. These should help both hip and knee.

    take care

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 277

    Hi @KC1

    I am trying to keep myself positive and do things to take my mind off my situation. I also have physio exercises to do for my hip some of which I was doing for my knee as well. Yes I usually take along a list of things to ask the physio person if they are not mentioned. Pain management for me is a must and I seem to be ok with taking Naproxen together with Omeprazole as this helps me manage my exercises.

    Take care🙂