
Lynneb21 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hi. New member, I'm lynne and I have rumatoid arthritis and have been put on methotrexate and haven't been feeling to great. Can anyone else on methotrexate tell me how they are getting on with this medication please ty


  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 842
    edited 5. May 2023, 13:37

    Hi @Lynneb21

    Welcome to the online community,great to see you posting and asking questions.

    You write that you have Rhumatoid Arthritis and have been put on Methetrexate and havent been feeling to great,can any one tell me how they are getting on.

    You dont say how long you have been using Methetrexate or when you were diagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis,it would be good to know as information more specific can be given to you.

    The link above may help you to know more about your medication,please tell us how you get on and do go onto our forums To chat to others who will give you their arthritis journey and how they got on with methetrexate .

    Hope all goes well Christine

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Mark_E
    Mark_E Member Posts: 7

    Hi Lynne

    How long have you been taking it? They do say some of side effects can wear off after a few weeks.

    I'm also fairly new to this and the first few weeks on mtx wiped me out later that day and following day but now after a few months I rarely notice it other than occasional bit of nausea.

    Few tips I have seen and from personal experience...

    Take it with evening meal so you can hopefully sleep through some of effects.

    Take it with a good size meal if possible, I found it effects more noticeable if only taken with a light meal such as a sandwich than a hearty meal.


  • dex1989
    dex1989 Member Posts: 2

    hope you feel better with them i have psoricatic athritis big change to life but the most inportant thing i find is releve built up stress talk to people about it get it out and get plenty of water and sunlight i know the mind a stress makes things even worse

  • Hi

    I have Psoriatic Arthritis too, I've been given Ciclosporin to take, have you tried it? I haven't taken any yet. I find yoga and Pilates really help to relieve my stress and definitely helps with my pain management. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 360

    I start my first dose of Methotrexate tomorrow. Thank you for the tips everyone.

  • JenHB
    JenHB Member Posts: 147

    hope your first dose goes well.

    I'm currently on an enforced 2 week break due to having the covid booster at the end of April, the first week was fine but this week I'm struggling more with fatigue (and concentrating at work is taking more effort!) and my joints definitely feel more grumbly so also taking paracetamol. Makes me realise how well the MTX was actually working. On countdown to next Wednesday so I can restart...

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 360

    Hi JenHB I have just taken my first ever dose tonight with my dinner. I am glad you say the Methotrexate works for you, I’ve tried Hydroxychloroquine, and Sulphasalazine both of which didn’t help. Because there have been changes in my ultrasounds . The doctor at the hospital have put me on these. I am a bit nervous because I know they can cause upsets. Any advice? Thanks.

  • Dennison72
    Dennison72 Member Posts: 14

    @Lynneb21 Hello, just checking in to see how your getting on with your Methotrexate now? Any better? I am week 6 in and to start with I had some horrible side effects, mainly mouth ulcers and mouth bleeding. I'm slightly less stiff in the morning and can use my hands better but am still limping... I was worried about hair loss but so far I've not lost any that's noticeable.. I also feel a little out of it and sick but this usually passes the day after. I shall try and stick with it as long as I can. Any changes I will post on here as they happen... Hope your treatment is going okay 🫶

  • HJP
    HJP Member Posts: 2

    I was on it for 10years but after about 5 went onto the injections as the tablets made me queasy

  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,284

    Hello @HJP and welcome to the Community. I hope that you enjoy your time on here and keep posting now you are here. Perhaps you would like to say a bit more about how arthritis affects you, but in the meantime I would recommend having a look through the links above from our website.

    Once again welcome,

    Best wishes,

    Peter (moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Sunnytime
    Sunnytime Member Posts: 2

    Hi am on week 7 of Methotrexate for a fairly aggressive arthritis/I went straight onto injections- felt a bit itchy for the first few injections but that has settled and feel tired the day after.No sign of any improvement yet my arthritis is in both knees,ankle and hip-I feel desperate at times but have been told it can take time- have lost lots of weight but can’t blame that on the methotrexate

  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 767
    edited 7. Jul 2023, 13:36

    Hi @Sunnytime

    Welcome to the versus arthritis forum.

    You’re on Methotrexate injections which is causing tiredness and has not yet delivered any pain relief. This is understandably causing you some distress. 

    Well you’ve come to the right place to meet others who have been through a similar process and can perhaps give you some optimism and reassurance. 

    In the meantime, you may find some useful information here:


    Also, here’s a recent conversation in the forum that you may wish to join in with:


    I hope that you experience some positive effects of taking the medication very soon. 

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm