First message on here

Jenny246 Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hi, My name is Jenny, I am a 68 year old retired Midwife, and suffering with a of of pain. Originally this was in my hands,mainly my right hand (my dominant one), later it has progressed to my R elbow and r shoulder. I am now getting pain starting in my left shoulder and my knees. I have been trying to get a diagnoses and help for about 18 months and have so far only seen a physio - self referred (who suggested Tennis elbow) and more recently I got an appointment with the physio in my surgery who was able to request an xray for my shoulder and ran a number of blood tests although she declinged to test ESR because it was i normal range 2 years ago.

I have stiff painful hand and wrist joints with knobbles on my knuckles

I honestly feel ignored and I am in so much pain especially in my shoulders and its at its worst at night. Thank you for listening

Help !
