Struggling with neck and shoulder pain

Hi every one (gentle hugs)

my physio referred me here, as the title suggests I’m struggling. Fobbed off when I ring gp, always someone else who calls back. Resulting in paying for cervical mri which showed severe degenerative changes.

Prescribed gabapentin at onset months ago. Pain unbearable so rang gp last week, in turn called back by ‘healthcare professional’ who prescribed Tramadol 100mg. I’ve bought; heat and cool pads, special pillows, every cream known to man. I’m now at the point where I am not living, i struggle with my mental health and the pain is exacerbating this.

Id value any advice tips, thanks for reading


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,058

    Hello @Mich1976 and a warm and gentle welcome to the online community,

    You are experiencing a great deal of pain from severe degenerative changes in your neck and it’s understandable that you are struggling because of it. You’re among people who understand what you’re going through, and I’m sure someone will be along shortly with some supportive advice. It sounds like you’ve tried quite a few different ways of dealing with your pain and none of them are effective. I wonder if you’ve tried gentle exercises? Starting slowly with gentle stretches such as the ones recommended by Versus Arthritis ( I’ve linked to them below) can make a real difference. I have a similar condition to you, and I’m surprised at how much better I feel after following some of the recommended exercises.

    You might also consider a tens machine which again some people find really helpful. There are some other ideas that you could try in the link below.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you’re getting on. If you want to talk to someone, our free helpline is available 9-6 on weekdays and there’s always someone there who can give you support and advice. Here are their contact details:

    Anna ( Moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Mich1976
    Mich1976 Member Posts: 3

    Thankyou Anna, I’ve been doing as much exercise as the pain allows, directed by physio. My tens machine is a godsend normally, unfortunately it’s not doing the trick this time. Thanks so much for your reply, I appreciate the help x